Camp HOPE America - Massanutten Mountains

What is Camp HOPE America?

Camp HOPE is the first evidence based, year-round camping and mentoring program in the country for children and teens impacted by domestic violence. Camp HOPE is focused on creating hope and healing-centered pathways through collaborative, trauma-informed care for youth exposed to trauma to believe in themselves, in others, and in their dreams.

The year-long program is called Pathways and gives the youth an opportunity to gather together every month for a time of connection, resilience building, and a fun activity! 

In the summer, there is a week of overnight camp that some of the youth will be invited to attend, giving them the typical summer camp experience, while also participating in an evidence-based curriculum designed with intentionality to increase self-awareness and confidence.

Visit the Camp HOPE America website for more information or check out this video!

Who is coordinating the camp?

Camp HOPE America - Massanutten Mountains is a collaboration between Family Youth Initiative in Shenandoah County, and Page Alliance for Community Action in Page County. 

When and where is the camp being held?

Camp HOPE America - Massanutten Mountains 2025 is being held at Caroline Furnace Lutheran Church Camp in Fort Valley at the end of June.

Who can attend?

Camp HOPE is open to youth ages 7 - 11 who have witnessed or experienced domestic violence. To benefit from the program, they should have been out of the situation for three months or longer and have been connected with a professional.

How does the referral process work?

Youth can be referred by a professional who is working with the child, such as a counselor, therapist, case manager, etc. Guardians will then complete a questionnaire if they are interested in having their child participate. An interview will be scheduled between the guardian, child, and Camp HOPE team to determine eligibility and fit for the program. Interested in more information regarding referrals? Contact us!

How can you get involved?

You can support Camp HOPE America - Massanutten Mountains through financial donations, item donations, and volunteering! 

Our financial goal is to raise $50,000 each year, which will allow us to provide the Pathways program for up to 50 youth from Page and Shenandoah Counties (one special activity each month) and a week at camp for 30 youth. Visit our donation page to see examples of what your donation will provide!

We will be providing a variety of items for each youth who participates in Camp HOPE America. These items allow each child to enter the program with the items they need, without placing additional barriers or burdens on their family. If you or a group you're involved with would like to gather needed items for us, check out our Wish List!

Camp HOPE maintains a low ratio of adults to youth, to ensure they are getting the attention and support that they deserve. Volunteers ages 18-24 will have three campers that they are responsible for, and Hope Counselors (Age 25+) will support the younger counselors with a ratio of one to ten. So, we are looking for plenty of volunteers to join us, both for the year-round Pathways program, as well as for the week of summer camp! Every volunteer will receive trauma-informed training, as well as specialized Camp HOPE America training. 

We are also looking for partner organizations who are interested in working with us to provide fun activities for the youth during the year-long Pathways program. If your business is interested in either bringing an activity to our youth, or allowing us to travel to you, please email us!